Have you asked your customers for a testimonial lately?
It’s well known that testimonials are a powerful tool for adding credibility to your marketing – we see it every day from companies such as Amazon, where customer reviews are added to each item listed; or there are other well-known alternatives such as Trustpilot.

The same is also true for business-to-business, as potential clients and customers are far more likely to believe the opinions of another customer than the claims of the company itself.

So, it’s essential to make sure you have reviews and testimonials available to use. You will hopefully have already received some unsolicited testimonials from satisfied customers, but they don’t always highlight the key benefits you want to emphasise.

The solution is to write the testimonial yourself!

Satisfied clients are normally more than happy to provide a testimonial if you ask them to. So save them the hassle and write a draft version for them, saying exactly what you want it to say and then send it to them for approval. If they have experienced those benefits, they’ll be happy to endorse your draft.

Once you have the approved testimonial or review, share it across your marketing and on your website!

Testimonials by the dozen…

At Chrysalis Partners we have tons of testimonials from satisfied customers. That’s because we work with our clients using proven systems and strategies to deliver business growth, fast.

If you’d like an initial discussion to explore how we can help your business, please get in contact